Thursday, 21 March 2019

Correct question begets correct answer

Asking the correct questions can give the correct answers .A lot of din and pandemonium is created these days exhorting people to usher in a 'Socialist  Revolution .' But the phrase 'Socialist Revolution' means different things to different people even to the extent that, there are as many number of Socialisms as the number of its proponents . Inspite of beating the drum about 'an alternative narrative' , 'a new paradigm' etc many of the proponents are not able to give much details and nuances about what the 'alternative narrative ' and the 'new paradigm' .
  A) In defence to their inability to give out much details , the logic given out is that there are no readymade and all weather solutions to the problems and that problems need to be accessed based on the time period and region where the change is to be usherd in to provide the nitty gritties of the new paradigm .The same is a valid fact, but the same doesn't mean that there can't be and there shouldn't be planning and working out of the fine details (based on the specific time period and specific region ) of what ought to happen once the 'socialist revolution' is usherd in .

   B)Another aspect that is put forward is that it is not possible to preconceive and predict with  perfection and absolute certainty  about the course of action that is to be taken . The same also a fact worth reckoning but that cannot by any stretch of imagination made to propose that planning is not possible .To juxtapose prediction with planning is a logical folly . Planning ,preconception and conceptualisation of the alternative path forward should be made to the maximum extent possible (of cours,e with the disclaimer regarding the assumptions made and the possibilities of errors) based on the historical experiences (and the information derived from the same) available as on date and by taking into consideration the specific context of the time period and the region . The effectiveness of the plan can be judged and should be judged during the course of execution(praxis / practice) of the same and the outcomes achieved shall be compared with the desired outcomes and new inferences and course corrections ought to be made in the future course and the same shall proceed all along .

C)Some others put forward the argument that knowledge comes through practice and experience and the fine details can evolve only in the course of action . That knowledge doesn't arise from contemplation , meditation and speculation alone is true, and ,on the contrary knowledge is created based on the observations made based on the past  experiences obtained from the course of action (practice/ praxis) and verifying the reproducibility and replaceability of the the knowledge and making the necessary updations and modifications in the future and the process goes on and infinitum .But it is to be taken note of the fact that for a particular generation to start a course of action the knowledge available can be obtained only from past experiences ,and not to draw the correct inferences and conclusions based on the observations made on the past observation through the 'scientific method'  (the scientific method is stressed ) is again a flawed way of decision making .

D) The argument that discussions ,debates and other activities regarding the alternative path is just a delaying tactic and that it just tries to postpone sine die the inevitable course of action by stressing too muçh on' interpreting the world'  rather than on 'changing the world ' are ignoring the Scientific method which is characterized by a)
Identification of the objective of study , b) observations of relevant facts based on past experienceand practice  c) drawing primary inferences from the observations made (hypothesis) d) Verification of the applicability and the validity of the hypothesis in varying conditions and making the necessary updations to the hypothesis based on the verification e) Establishment of the Scientific theory based on the above steps .It is this scientific method that has helped mankind to accomplish what it has achieved so far . The same is applicable for the argument that efforts in finalising the future path of action before hand is futile .Those who are enamoured and infatuated  by the idea of equality and justice and are in the urge to usher in the socialist revolution shall keep in mind that by ignoring the Scientific method and directly plunging into action may lead to a situation where the protagonists end up in rocking the boat of the very revolution (abrupt qualitative change) they try to bring forth and will further make life miserable for the very same people for whom they vouch to fight for .

The following are some train of thoughts that are enumerated in interrogative form for the proponents of the Socialist Revolution to reflect upon and to bring before public domain their views on the same so that the inquisitive and uninitiated individuals can get an idea of the same .These train of thoughts or queries are not exhaustive and complete .All others are encouraged to add further aspects for which they feel that clarification is required from the proponents of the socialist revolution

1) Will there be any change in the production process in the Socialist Stage and in the Capitalist mode
2) Will the pace of automation and Mechanisation increased in the Socialist stage
3)Will the intrest of the micro , small , medium
enterprises and the peasents with small land holdings be protected in the Socialist Stage .Or will the pace of proliterisation of the aforementioned group of people along with all those who are involved in self employment be accelerated in the socialist stage .
4) Will there be private ownership in the Socialist Stage
5) Will there be any change in the state machinery and its control in the Socialist stage and in Capitalism
6) The focus in the Socialist stage will be on the enhancement of production or will the thrust be in distribution and distributive justice
8)Will there be any change in the level of the individual worker, with respect to the working conditions and standard of living in the socialist stage and the Capitalism
9) What will be the intent of production in socialism ,will it be profit through exchage or will it be the production for use (In other words will commodity production hold sway in Socialist Stage)
10) Will the Percentage of population engaged in agriculture increase in the Socialist stage or will it get reduced
11) Will the pace of urbanisation increase in the socialist stage or will it get reduced .
12) Can the welfare policies that are implemented in the advanced nations (Scandinavia ,Canada typical examples) be part of the Socialist stage .In other words how the socialist state  differs from the welfare states of the aforementioned nations
13) Will labour intensive production techniques be promoted in socialism or will capital intensive production techniques be promoted

14) Will global rate of return on capital have any significance in the Socialist stage
15) The policy of taxing the rich and wealthy for helping the toiling masses be a policy paradigm in the socialist stage
16) What will be the primary focus of government expenditure in the socialist stage will it be on infrastructure build up like roads ,bridges ,rail network ,ports ,powerplants ,local and long distance transport networks or will it be on social sector spending like education , health care etc
17) Will there be tarifs and duties for trans national trade  in the socialist stage
18) Will there be restrictions on the investment from outside the geographical boundaries of the nation state in the socialist stage
19) Will there be freedom of religion during the socialist stage
20) Will the relationship between other nations based on moral ,ethical and ideological doctrine or will it be based on the economic interests (trade ,commerce , investment)of the people of the nation

21) What will be the extent to which the freedom of expression (including the freedom of press) will be permitted in the socialist stage
Anoop Nobert

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